Budapest is not only a wonderful city, exciting array of adventures and the home of gourmet bites, but there is also a significant factor, which is why this city is chosen by many visitors as a target. Well, we can say that Budapest is not only beautiful, but is also cheap! We'll prove it to you that it is worth to visit us!

You can get away for a long weekend for two under Fifty thousand forints
This year Budapest became the cheapest urban destination according to a British survey , says the Telegraph . The Post Office ( PO UK ) Travel Money survey examined 25 cities. Last year Budapest won the title as well , and in addition, the British have to pay 11 per cent less in the Hungarian capital due to the fall in prices and the strong pound, according to the research.
The survey compares the price of 12 typical products, according to this a two-person dinner, two nights accommodation , sightseeing and transport are all less than 117 pounds ( 43 thousand HUF ). In the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, it would be 118 pounds, in Warsaw 132, in Prague 136. The cheapest city the in Eurozone is Lisbon with 137 pounds, which is less than half the cost as the 311 pounds in Paris and the 310 pounds in Amsterdam .
The largest decrease was registered in Copenhagen, where all this would cost 306 pounds , but it's 30 percent less than last year. Prague has become 17 percent cheaper so it could overtake Lisbon , Riga and Dubrovnik. According to the survey, the food and drinks are also the cheapest here. Based on the survey, only Vienna increased prices since last year for the Brits, by three percent.