On the present territory of Hungary some 4500 castles and mansions still can be found though many of them were destroyed the World War II and the following post- war period. Nevertheless, several of the buildings still existing had the luck to be restored and changed into hotels. We would like to introduce some of these castles. In our days these castle hotels are real gems of the traditional Hungarian hospitality.

Let's see the Hungarian castle hotels!!

Set in the wine region of Szekszárd, Hungary, Apponyi Castle Hotel specializes in good food, well-stocked wine cellars, and spa treatments. This baroque estate features 27 castle rooms and additional rooms in a more modern building upon the castle grounds.

In 2003, Szidonia was named one of the most beautiful European castle hotels. Guests stay in one of three buildings: the main building, the country house, or the hunting lodge. Exeedingly accomodating, Szidonia Castle Hotel staff can plan your wedding, arrange tours, or suggest a wellness package for destressing and detoxification. Take home with you a bottle of specially bottled wine or the Szidonia signature health drink.

Nestled in the Bukk Mountains, Hotel Palota makes its home in a fairly new (as castles go) building. Under construction between the years 1927 and 1930, the neo-renaissance style castle hotel is about 2 hours by car from Budapest. Three restaurants and two bars, as well as fitness center and spa, make guests' stay at Hotel Palota comfortable.

Grof Degenfeld Castle Hotel is a four-star class act in Tarcal, Hungary for anyone who loves wine and the countryside. As part of the Grof Degenfeld Winery, the hotel offers wine tasting and tours that will acquaint guests with the Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region.

Located in the small village of Tiszarroff, this Castle Hotel consists of 4 buildings: the main castle building, Grange Halls 1 and 2, a bath house, and a beer pavillion. Suites are in the main castle building, but guests can also stay in the two Grand Halls. The second Grange Hall contains a restaurant and game room.