
Hungarian Wines and Wine Regions

After a delicious paprikás csirke or rinse your throat with excellent Hungarian Wines! Our country has been blessed with a climate and soil perfect for viticulture and winemaking.
Yet, apart from Egri Bikavér (Bulls Blood) and Tokaji aszú most Hungarian wines are lesser known in the world. Take the opportunity to discover them!
After a delicious paprikás csirke or rinse your throat with excellent Hungarian Wines! Our country has been blessed with a climate and soil perfect for viticulture and winemaking.  Yet, apart from Egri Bikavér (Bulls Blood) and Tokaji aszú most Hungarian

The best wine ever

The best wine everHungary's climate is very favourable for quality wine growing because the average temperature is much higher than let's say in Northern France, and autmn is rather dry with warm, sunny weeks until mid-October (a period often referred to as Indian summer).
This allows Hungary to produce the entire range of classic wines: whites,roses,reds, and natuaral, sweet dessert wines.
Add the slopes of volcanic origin and you get a combination of natural conditions that with the the expertise of talented wine makers result in fine wines.
Today a rich diversity of both international and local grape varieties are grown in the 22 Hungarian wine regions and a great variety of wines are made from them.

The Renaissance of Hungarian Wines

Huge wine factories in the communist regime emphasized quantity over quality. Luckily in the 21st century several Hungarian wine producers make wines not just because it's good business but they want to revive and preserve the quality and fame of local wines.
Wine drinking habits are changing as well. A glass of delicate wine with or after your meal is becoming more and more common.
Young consumers look for quality wines that encourages wine makers to enhance the quality of Hungarian wines even more.
There are hundreds of private Hungarian wineries and thousansds of winemakers. They've won several prizes on international wine festivals and competitions in recent years. Wine-growing is drifting towards mainstream nowadays, however the native varieties are still hanging on. You'll find many newborn wine-clubs, and wine routes all over the county as well, not to mention the numerous wine bars and restaurants in Budapest where you can sample some delightful classics (Bull's Blood from Eger, Egri kriályleányka- translates to princess, a fruity white originating in Transylvania, Kadarka from Szekszárd, some excellent Pinot Noirs from Villány, as well as some great cuvées.

Wine Tasting in Buda Castle

Wine Tasting in Buda CastleVisit the Faust Wine Cellar within the Hilton Budapest Castle District and sample some of the best Hungarian wines and pálinká-s (traditional Hungarian fruit brandy).
The wine experts of the cellar will tell you not just the most important facts but some lesser known but interesting details about the wines and wine regions of Hungary.
There are several tasting menus to choose from based on the major wine producing areas of the country. If you wish get an overall picture about all main wine regions then choose the Curiosities of Hungary package. 
The vaulted stone cellar is situated within the extensive labyrinth system under the castle and was built during the middle ages.
An ideal place for a romantic wine tasting in the heart of Budapest!

Wine Regions in Hungary

Hungary has 22 wine regions that boast not only with excellent quality wines but beautiful scenery and interesting sights. Besides wine tasting, these regions offer colourful programs to entertetain visitors throughout the year.
Etyek Buda closest to Budapest!!!

Wine Festivals and Events in Budapest

If you plan to come to Budapest in the first half of September, do visit the Wine Festival in Buda castle, the largest wine event in Hungary. You can taste and buy award winning Hungarian wines, while enjoying the numerous accompaying events. 
To buy good quality Hungarian wines look for wine shops. They have wide selection of wines and the shop assisstants will give you a helping hand to choose the bottles that match your taste the best.

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