Concrete, software, clothes, cars and drinks - all these products were invented and implemented by Hungarians . They also took their business to success abroad. Most of us would think of Janos Neumann, Tivadar Puskas, Anyos Jedlik or Laszlo Bíró when famous Hungarian innovators and inventors are mentioned.But what about today? Who are the Hungarians, whom the world can be proud of? Here are seven Hungarian people who made a hit abroad. (The list is by no ranking, nor is it complete.)

Prezi is a Flash - based online presentation software , which was created in 2008 with the aim to change from linear slide- based presentation preparation . The actual development was carried out by Zui Labs consisting of twenty technicians, under leadership of founders Peter Orava , Adam Somlai - Fischer and Peter Halácsy .
Prezi was the center of the Microsoft Startup conference among another 30 projects , and the California Institute for the Future also use the program . After the American entry , the software was used by several other English-speaking countries outside the United States . The product won several awards.
Recently, U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House received Orava Peter on the occasion that Prezi has joined the ConnectED school program. The $ 100 million support of the Hungarian software company will be received by Community-funded schools in the United States , which would not otherwise have a chance to obtain such technologies - by MTI .
"For me, a very important goal and a conscious strategy was from the beginning to become a success in the U.S. market , as to build a global company , it should be the world's largest market success " - Orava said .

Ivanka Hungarian design studio and factory construction was founded by Katalin Ivanka and Andras Ivanka in 2003 in Budapest. The company designs and manufactures coatings, architectural elements , furniture, fashion accessories and objects using a self-developed designer - less concrete . Moreover they even have a fashion collection using concrete .
There are numerous professional awards received , including among customers Vodafone, Levi's , Yves Saint -Laurent and G- Star Raw . The company has also collaborated with Marcel Wanders Studio in the design of interiors of Andaz Hotel Amsterdam. The product named Flaster brought the international recognition for Ivanka which was incorporated into projects like London department store Liberty, the Ganapati Restaurant, Stratford Cow bar and restaurant or Geronimo Inns.

In Robert de Niro 's restaurant in Malibu Szentkirályi mineral water is served , but the European mineral Academy Award winning " blue gold" can be found in the Kingdom of Bahrain 's luxury hotels too. The mineral has appeared on the Grammy and Academy Awards ceremony and outside of the neighboring countries conquests in America and Dubai's as well.
The syrup and soft drinks factory Sandor Balogh started as a family business in 1989.In 2003 Levente Balogh took over the company . In 2004, the water, according to the highest standards of professional judges, became the world's best mineral water : non-carbonated category, won the Paris - Aqua Eauscar Prize leaving behind the world's famous , prestigious mineral waters.

Aaron Losonczi is an architect who invented the light-transmitting concrete LiTraCon . He won several design and innovation awards . In September 2003, a man-sized portion of wall was shown at the Swedish Museum of Architecture.The Time magazine in 2004 described the invention as one of the most important inventions of the year.
" I came up with a thing , which I 'm the best in the world. It's nice that as a Hungarian I won really prestigious international design awards and and have been on professional boards of front pages of newspapers , in which Hungarian architectural products have not been included for many decades . I made such things, which interest the world and it is good to work for it "

The young Hungarian fashion designer , Sandra Alexander is the creator of the " Nanushka " brand. Her first collection in 2006 exploded into the fashion world when it won the Young Fashion Designer of the Year award. Her clothes are being sold to more and more people , and can be found from Los Angeles to Tokyo in many major cities in the world .

The Hungarian company was launched in 2007 as the services were founded besides two American veterans , John Ham and Brad Hunstable also by a Hungarian web developer, Gyula Feher. The goal was live coverage for average people of their videos. They were looking for a solution to the soldiers serving in Iraq to stay easier in touch with family members. Today, more than 80 million people use it each month. San Francisco is the home of the center , but the company has offices in Los Angeles and in Budapest .
And what we are famous for? One study found that ninety percent of Hungarians think that seven out of ten people are very proud of the Hungarian girls and there are also many people who attach great importance to the Hungarian cuisine.